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Available nationally/internationally. Email for details.




​Fear Abatement & Prevention: The most humane, best practices for canine fear/anxiety abatement and PTSD.


-Young Puppy Socialization and training, to give your pup the best chance of developing into a confident, behaviorally sound dog.

-Expert Witness reports and related services

Rates vary depending on your needs, but behavior/training clients can plan to invest a minimum of $300-$700.


Expert witness consultation services start at $150/hour for case review and reporting; in-court rates vary.

All expert witness services are performed on retainer.


Expert Witness Services

by clicking here to complete a new client form


an Appointment


- Behavior consultation for assessment of fear, anxiety, trauma, or other concerns

- Private coaching sessions 

- Shelter, Rescue, & Veterinary Anti-Aversive Handling Instruction & Program Development


The Expertise You Need for:

Scared Dog, Whale Eye

Canine Fear & Fear-Related Behaviors, including Neophobia, Noise Phobia, Anxiety, Reactivity, and other Self-Defense Responses: For all fear-based behavior & training needs, including for feral & semi-feral dogs, puppy-milled dogs, traumatized dogs, chronically anxious dogs, avoidant dogs, & other fearful dogs. Expert Canine's fearful dogs expert is a leading fear abatement.practitioner.

peekypuppy fear free.jpg
Cooperative Care & Handling

Cooperative Care & Handling: As a fear in dogs expert, Rain can help you avoid mistakes that can result in lasting aversion and aggressive reactions to veterinary-related services.  Expert Canine is the best choice for anti-aversive skills & preparation for anti-aversives, force-free cooperation with necessities such as vet visits, nail trims, grooming, etc. 

Online or On-Location*

Online Dog Training with Dog Owners & Trainer
Distance Learning:
Effective, affordable private behavior consultations and coaching via live video conference in all states and many countries.
Two large dogs "sit" for positive reinforcement trainer.
In-Person Learning:
Training your dog while you work or observe, then teaching you how to maintain the new skills.
zin fear free goal

Behavior Modification

To abate fear and fear-based behavior, self-defense responses, and other behavior concerns based in anxiety, phobias, and trauma.


happy and fear free pet
Basic to Advanced
Skills Training 

Expert Canine provides the area's most seasoned anti-aversive training for solutions and skills.

"force-free, fear-free, intimidation-free, pain-free"

Proper Socialization, Safety, Training, & Behavior for Puppies:
The area's most savvy professional helps you avoid the development of fear and reactivity in your pup as s/he grows. Even while the pup is still in the breeder's home, Expert Canine can teach  you how to best  help  your pup grow o into a stable, happy dog.   As a fearful dog expert, Rain  can teach you the best ways to  avoid extreme fears, reactivity and other issues developing in your pup. 

Developmental Shaping: Reduce risk of maladaptive fear, anxiety, reactivity, or aggression developing in your pup as s/he grows.  Expert Canine's safe socialization & training program should be started no later than 10 weeks of age to set yourself & your pup on the path to a safe, happy life together.

(for pups 3-14 weeks of age)



My promise to you:

Humane treatment: I will never need or want to hurt or scare your dog in order to train or implement humane behavior modification. Therefore, I will never use tools or methods designed to poke, pinch, choke, shock, or otherwise hurt or startle your beloved companion.

Animal-human bond: I believe that part of my job is  to guide you in forging a path to the happiest possible life with your canine companion. Therefore, I will always endeavor to guide you in achieving lifelong training and handling habits that tend to result not only in better behavior, but in a stronger bond between you and your dog.

Honesty:  I will endeavor to be honest with you about your dog and your situation with your dog. In this regard, if ever the choice becomes one of either telling you the truth or making you feel good, I will be truthful. I will never try to win your business by telling you what you want to hear when that would be different than the truth because too often, doing so can lead to harm. 

To set an appointment for you and your dog, proceed as follows:

1. Please read this notice, and if acceptable, complete the initial form here: Info Form.  Once I've reviewed this form and confirm availability for your request, I'll email you the client agreement.


2. After receiving your completed Information and Client Agreement forms, I will email you my current openings and a PayPal invoice. (You do not need a PayPal account to pay via PayPal, and PayPal accepts most major credit cards.) Booking is done on a first-come, first-served basis, upon receipt of payment. 


3. In order to provide quality service to each client, I work to avoid overbooking and so encourage you to book in advance.  Questions? Email: 



 The Process of Becoming a Client


 1. Complete Case Consideration Form     2. Complete Client Agreement   3. Select Service & Pay Invoice     4. Schedule Your First Session

I do my best to respond to questions received from prospective new clients in a timely manner; however, it is impossible to properly serve my current clients while also fielding the large number of requests for phone calls or quick tips I receive. If you are committed to working with your dog and have questions about the process of beginning a program with me,  please email me with those questions. Email:    

Expert Canine Training and Behavior Services

canine behavior consultants

FAQ Excerpts:

What locations do you serve?

I serve clients nationwide/internationally, and of course locally.


What do you charge?

Rates vary depending on your needs, but plan to invest a minimum of $300.


What methods do you use?

I'm an anti-aversives professional, which means that I believe I must do everything possible to provide positive reinforcement and positive behavior modification services, avoid aversives, and help you to do the same. I refuse to use pain, force, intimidation, or fear on your dog in order to provide my services. 


Why hire a Behavior Consultant like yourself instead of a vet behaviorist?

Good behavior consultants do essentially the same behavior modification/training work as vet behaviorists. Aggression, anxiety, fear, phobias, reactivity, trauma, and feral dog behavior are all part of my behavior practice. Veterinarians and vet behaviorists do differ in that they are veterinary doctors so prescribe medication. If you want your dog to have psychoactive medication in addition to behavior modification/training, I can connect you with a vet behaviorist and the three of us will work together for you and your dog's needs--or, if your regular veterinarian is savvy about and stays updated regarding behavior-modification supportive medications, that may be an option for medication as well, and again the three of us will work together to help you meet your goals.  In most cases, you can save a lot of money using a well-educated and experienced behavior consultant for behavior modification and training.



Expert Canine: Expertise in dog behavior & dog training

Gearhart & the North Oregon Coast

Nationally/Internationally via Live, Private Video Conference

All contents Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018,2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Rain Jordan All Rights Reserved

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