Having been a college professor, I understand the nuances of adult learning and the importance of mutual respect. I approach my work from an educator's perspective: My goal is to leave you with knowledge, wisdom, and skills that you can use and apply throughout your life with animals.
My specialization in fearful, feral, and traumatized dogs is partly a result of having run an international dog rescue, which involved working with many dogs who had been severly neglected, abused, and/or abandoned to survive on their own, sometimes after being purposely harmed so that they couldn't get back to their abandoners' homes. Often these dogs then had to survive the disdain and cruelty of myriad strangers before being rescued.

Help dog guardians become skilled advocates for their dogs
and thus for happy lives together
Core Values
* Honesty in apprisement
* Kindness to the vulnerable
* Perseverance toward goals
* Careful, methodic treatment
Certified Behavior Consultant, Canine (CBCC-KA)
Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA)
(Accreditation by The CCPDT)
Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP)
Certified Fearful Dogs Professional (CFDP) Instructor/Mentor
Creator of the Fear Abatement Mastery (FAM) program
Author (Books on Canine Fear, Behavior, Training, Handling, & Welfare)
Freelance Canine Behavior Columnist
Applied Animal Behavior Certificate of Excellence
(Behavior+ Works LLA program)
Aggression in Dogs Mastercourse Certificate
BA & MFA, California State University (San Jose)
Previous (partial list):
Canine Behavior Columnist, Cannon Beach Gazette & the Daily Astorian
Rescued Dog Behavior Rehabilitator, Shelter Director,
Sighthound Sanctuary & Animal Services
Rescued Farmed Animal Volunteer, Wilder Park
Adjunct Professor, De Anza & Hartnell Colleges